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April 09, 2020 3 min read

"It is still worth it!" We keep hearing over and over on our FaceTime and Zoom calls, our text and emails, and our shouts across a parking lot how much everyone is grieving the loss of Holy Week and Easter liturgies, and the temptation to ask if celebrating is pointless when we're unable to gather our loved ones. Easter is not cancelled! Jesus is still dying...and rising! It's still worth it! That's the answer to everyone struggling and questioning whether or not to put in the "work" to celebrate it. But wait - what if it weren't extra work to live it out? Here are 3 great ways to literally push your emotions to "get in the mood". We know there are a lot of resources out there. However, if you're as weary as we are right now, you may just want to rest in these three simplified ways of living Easter. Here are the links to the 3 ways to walk alongside Jesus in his passion and death, and uncover Easter joy this weekend.

1) Watch The Chosen on YouTube!

2) Sign up for Erica Tighe of Be A Heart's Holy Week/Easter At Home emails!

3) Tune in to Word on Fire Holy Week & Easter ceremonies, and/or check your parish website


1) Watch The Chosen on YouTube!

Binge Jesus! The Chosen is a series on the life and miracles of Jesus, through the eyes of his chosen ones, his followers and loved ones, just like you and me. One warning - Episode 1, "Blood & Demons" has mature content on the past life and an exorcism of Saint Mary Magdalene. It's not graphic, but it may frighten younger viewers, so screen this episode first if you're watching as a family. The episodes are available right now for "Global Livestream", including a director's commentary of before/after, and enclosed in this video is the entire full episode (about 55 min per episode). If you prefer to watch without commentary, you can fast forward/skip, however you can also watch for free via their app: www.TheChosen.tv/app Here are the direct links to The Chosen series. The Chosen Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXOFnNTULFaAnj24PAeblg The Chosen Episode 1 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyv1W-hsmx8 The Chosen Episode 2 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEc2zgJtp-4 The Chosen Episode 3 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xMfU-YY3Eo The Chosen Episode 4 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-YFzEI8Gt0 The Chosen Episode 5 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcvcDDrW0ss The Chosen Episode 6 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGvWrSwIESs The Chosen Episode 7 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K09a7l48VD0 The Chosen Episode 8 Global Livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lk4yq1f6DY

2) Sign up for Erica Tighe of Be A Heart's Holy Week/Easter At Home emails!

Erica Tighe continues to overflow with her own prayer and abundance, this time around inviting in her spiritual director, Father Michael, to co-create and design daily emails so we can live this Easter Triduum at home and online together, especially with our kids. We are all inundated with emails, but Erica's are always fresh and hopeful, and never bog you down. Sign up at www.BeAHeart.com to receive these emails delivered this week into your inbox, and her free download.

3) Tune in to Word on Fire Holy Week & Easter ceremonies, and/or check your parish website

Word on Fire's Daily Mass (the following is from their website!) "The video will be posted below at 8:15am ET each day. However, here is the schedule (in Pacific Time) for Palm Sunday and Holy Week:
  • April 5: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord:9:00am Pacific Time
  • April 9: Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 6:00pm Pacific Time
  • April 10: Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday): 3:00pm Pacific Time
  • April 11: Easter Vigil of the Holy Night (Holy Saturday):No Mass will be filmed.
  • April 12: Sunday of the Resurrection (Easter): 9:00am Pacific Time
Finally, please continue to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus." Here is the link to their daily mass! Https://wordonfire.org/daily-mass


Download the free Easter Exsultet blessing here (just click those words Easter Exsultet, and the Lux Sancta Prayer Candle, our version of the Easter Candle, in honor of Mary Magdalene, is on sale, along with everything else, using code EASTERATHOME in checkout! Easter is 50 days, and we need it more than ever this Lent...there is so much time to celebrate! Ok, so...even though videos and livestreams are a large part of our suggestions, remember that Jesus will come to you in your home, in your domestic church! It's ok to live this holy triduum OFF screens, and off grid, too.See this article about making a holy space, we call it "home sanctuary", in your own home! - https://aleteia.org/2020/04/08/today-jesus-tells-you-i-want-to-celebrate-the-passover-in-your-house/?fbclid=IwAR26QczkqQ4dPlp9V34p54ydvojLzWEF4XRvbxxH2WbvXm__mpWR4ydvqzc#.Xo34xrZioxU.facebook

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