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August 12, 2020 4 min read

It was just minutes ago that you were driving 10mph under the speed limit with a seven-ish pound bundle painstakingly buckled in her car seat as you made your way home from the hospital. It was only seconds ago that you gasped as that first rich, resounding belly laugh dangled in the air — you wanted to wrap yourself up in it, and you repeated the same ridiculous thing over and over to hear it again and revel in its magic. 

In the last breath you took, you were waving, smiling through tears, as your little one walked wide-eyed into a fluorescent-lit classroom with a bright patterned backpack and lunchbox in tow. 

Here now in front of you, your baby laughs, this time while rolling her eyes, at you and your  embarrassing sentimentality, begging you to “OMG, please, stooooop!”

How is it that she has suddenly transformed from a baby into a child somehow on the brink of adulthood? How can you possibly show her the incredible force she is and help her discover who she is meant to become? How can you lovingly and gently teach her to foster her beautiful, majestic soul?

While your child might roll her eyes every time you tell her how wonderful and irreplaceable she is, there are other ways you can impart this valuable understanding to her in your everyday life. 



1. Words matter.

Your children might ignore you half the time when you talk to them, but you better believe they are listening to what you say. Our words and  how we say them have a greater influence than we might realize. 

How we speak about ourselves and others is extremely important in setting an example to our children. If we speak kindly towards ourselves, if we treat ourselves gently yet honestly when we make mistakes, this teaches our children to do the same. If we speak of others with respect, not focusing on their faults but on their qualities, our children will better see the beauty in others and ultimately themselves. 



2. Put care in their surroundings.

It may seem trivial, but teaching your children to treat their belongings with care is another way of teaching them how to treat themselves. How this looks is entirely individual to each household, but here are a few things you could focus on:

  • Limit in number

This is not just for kids, but for parents as well! When you are selective about what can come into (and remain in) your house, you eliminate useless “junk” sitting around not being used or cared for. You also will have the capacity to take care of what items you do have! Then, as your children grow and their tastes change, this can really help them refine their style and shape their personalities; they get to choose how they want to materially display who they are to the world.

  • Invest in quality

If you choose to limit the number of items you bring into your house, you may also want items of lasting value. From kitchenware to clothing, you can help teach your children about the importance of things that last and the difference between price and value. In other words, this doesn’t mean splurging on products simply for a brand name or grabbing items just because they’re on sale. 

This could be used to exemplify the importance of investing in oneself. One way you can do this is by giving your child something special they can have and care for starting from a young age. The Little Royals Swaddle Blanket is a great option to give your child (or a friend’s new child!); it can be used as a swaddle from birth and a comforting blanket as your child grows older. It is something that can be cherished as a lifelong reminder of their start here on earth, a time filled with innocence, joy, and pure love. 



3. When in doubt, remember the 3 Ps: Patience, Perseverance, and Prayer.


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Our fave celebs agree.

Even if all else fails, we must be a constant rock for our children. As parents, we love unconditionally—no matter what, we will not ever give up on our children! And they need to know this truth. By remaining steadfast and patient with them, persevering with love even on hard days (especially on hard days!), they will better know their value. By praying for them daily, we will be better equipped to persevere with patience and love. And when they know of our prayers for them – even if they roll their eyes – they will undoubtedly be reminded of their inherent worth. 

While we can’t do anything to slow time or keep our babies from growing up before our eyes, we can do everything in our power to help them come to know the exquisite purity and vibrancy of their souls. And while we might long for the simple, innocent days of their youth, what agift it is to daily witness our children blossom more fully into their beautiful, royal selves.

Shop the full Royals Baby & Child Collection HERE. 


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