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August 19, 2020 3 min read

I LOVE the saints.  I love that we have mentors that we can go to in every situation…. When you need protection, go to St. Michael; when you need courage, go to St. Joan of Arc; when you need to be in two places at once, go to St. Padro Pio!  (Lol) Knowing that I feel this way, my daughter semi-jokingly asked me one day,


“What do you want to be the patron saint of, mom?”  


It took me a few days to ponder this question and then one day I realized that I think I am called to be the patron saint of conversations! My days are filled with conversations from the time I get up until the time I go to sleep.  My first and last conversations of the day are the most important and everything else in my day stems from them; these are my conversations with God in prayer.  I start and end my day in this way, and then in all the in-between time I try to see God in every single conversation I have and I try to see God in the face of every single person.  I learned this from another saint, Pope John Paul II.



I am encouraged by how he prayed, by how he worked and by how he literally changed peoples’ hearts in one short meeting or even in one simple conversation.  In looking to the example of how he prayed, and how he engaged with others I am reminded that he once said, “Man achieves the fullness of prayer not when he expresses himself, but when he lets God be most fully present in prayer.”  I have come to discover that this is the same for all conversations. When we talk to someone else, sometimes we feel it’s what we bring to the table that is most important, but what if we just sit back and let that person be fully present?  Anyone that has had the privilege of meeting St. John Paul II in person tells about how they felt like they were the only person that existed in the world when they were with him.  Imagine being the pope, one of the few people in the world with the weight of the world on your shoulders, and yet being fully present to every person you are with? 

This is what gives me a passion for intentional conversations. He was present to every person because he knew in their face was the face of God and he didn’t want to miss out on that and neither do I!  I want people to know they are important, that they have a purpose and their lives matter.  I want to help people heal from old wounds that they may not even know are affecting them and their lives.  I do not have a large media platform or social media following to make a huge impact on large groups of people, but I can be present to someone that needs to be heard and understood.  By being fully present to someone I just might teach them how to be fully present to someone else, and even more important, teach them to allow God to be fully present in their lives.


Lux Sancta Raw Alabaster Prayer Candle $80.00


Tips for an intentional conversation:

  • Ask your guardian angel to be a messenger to their guardian angel before you meet them
  • Be courageous & pray with them and ask the Holy Spirit to be present (carry around a prayer card to be prepared)
  • Be fully present
  • Don’t have a time limit
  • Look the person in the eyes
  • Don’t look at your phone
  • Listen and take in what they are saying
  • Don’t be thinking of your next question or answer to them
  • Be compassionate towards them
  • Don’t try to solve their problems
  • Put yourself in their shoes
  • Don’t try to give them what you might need yourself
  • Ask some tougher or deeper questions


Face of God on the Cross Linen Veil and Frame $425.00,  Lux Sancta Raw Alabaster Prayer Candle $80.00, Triumph Wing Cross Frame $400.00


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