Want to Protect Your Family, Spiritually? Download this amazing Protection Blessing
Stay at home.Try to concentrate on work from your kitchen table...um...while your spouse is also trying to do the same thing.All while "distance learning" (a fancy name for homeschooling your kids).Cancel spring break plans.Stay away from family members and friends. But don't get too isolated...keep yourself busy. Maybe try to take on all the DIY projects you've been putting off. Maybe bake?Protect yourself and those you love who are immunocompromised.Meanwhile, try not to worry about elderly parents, while finding a way to care for them.But, don't worry, grocery stores are still open... Wait...church is not. Very quickly find yourself asking, how will I make my mortgage or rent payment this month? I've been furloughed from my job because it was "non-essential". (It makes me feel "non-essential".) Or, how can I possibly lay off nearly my entire employee base in this time of such dire need...but I can't make payroll? If I take a handout to get me through, what will our economy look like in a few months from now? We can write about it, because, Royals, we are you. We're all in this together, and we have all the same thoughts and concerns.+
Looking to surround yourself in blessings and love this Lent, to help create silence, peace and community? We've curated a special collection of a few special resources for your Lent and Easter living.
A few years ago, inspired in prayer and many months of contemplation on Jesus' passion, both the real and as portrayed in Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, the founder of House of Royals wrote and recorded the song, All Things New... May the following song inspire you this Lent and Easter to know the love that the King has for you, Royal.
Want to Protect Your Family, Spiritually? Download this amazing Protection Blessing
The video was not produced and is not affiliated with House of Royals, although the song is our own. All Things New can also be found on Spotify and iTunes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd9UD2psUH8Comments will be approved before showing up.